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About the PicturesAll pictures here were taken on my friend's Olympus 360-D digital camera. With two eight megabyte cards at my disposal, I had the oppertunity to take a lot morepictures than I normally do. In total, I took 208 pictures. Some of them are of just random things, but most of the pictures I took are either of costumers or other things that make cons what they are. Actually, many of the pictures on the last few pages are just of some random things that facinated me long enough to pull out the camera.The pictures are all presented in gallery format. Each of the links below will take you to one of the pages, and from within the pages you can navigate to all the other ones. For some reason I'm afraid a few of the pics got downloaded from the camera out of order, but most of the pictures are in chronological order. And now, a word about use of the pictures on this page...
Generally, if you do want to use the picture in a way I restricted, I'm happy to let you go ahead and do it; all you need to do is ask. I ask these rules mostly for the protection of the people I photographed. I know of too many cases pictures were taken from a web site and altered or used in a way that insulted or was degrading to the subject of the picture, and I wish to have no part of that. This having been said, if you do alter a picture in an ok way, it's fine to inform me after the fact. ^_^ |
Katsucon Pics 1 | Katsucon Pics 2 | Katsucon Pics 3 | Katsucon Pics 4 |
Katsucon Pics 5 | Katsucon Pics 6 | Katsucon Pics 7 | Katsucon Pics 8 |
Katsucon Pics 9 | Katsucon Pics 10 | Katsucon Pics 11 | Katsucon Pics 12 |
Katsucon Pics 13 | Katsucon Pics 14 | Katsucon Pics 15 | Katsucon Pics 16 |
Katsucon Pics 17 | Katsucon Pics 18 | Katsucon Pics 19 | Katsucon Pics 20 |
Katsucon Pics 21 | Katsucon Pics 22 | Katsucon Pics 23 | Katsucon Pics 24 |
Katsucon Pics 25 | Katsucon Pics 26 | Katsucon Pics 27 | Katsucon Pics 28 |
Katsucon Pics 29 | Katsucon Pics 30 | Katsucon Pics 31 | Katsucon Pics 32 |
Katsucon Pics 33 | Katsucon Pics 34 | Katsucon Pics 35 | Katsucon Pics 36 |
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